The design is stronger and less prone to frame stretching than the Colt revolvers of the same era.

The Remington revolver owes its durability to the "topstrap", solid-frame design. Original Remington New Model Navy, 36 caliber

The special powder and minimal charge reduced black powder fouling, allowing revolvers to be fired as much as possible before cleaning was necessary. Combustibles were usually loaded with a special high performance sporting grade black powder, using the minimum charge required for a specified impact level, usually determined by pine penetration tests. Combustible cartridge velocities averaged from 700 to 900 feet per second (270 m/s), depending on powder quality, charge and conical bullet weight. Remington percussion revolvers are very accurate and capable of considerable power with muzzle velocities in the range of 550 to 1286+ feet-per-second, depending upon the charge loaded by the shooter. The 1861 Remington actually transitioned into New Model appearance by late 1862, slowly transforming throughout 1862, due to continual improvement suggestions from the U. Subtle but noticeable differences in hammers, loading levers, and cylinders help identify each model. The three models are nearly identical in size and appearance. There were three progressive models made: the Remington-Beals Army & Navy (1860–1862), the 1861 Army & Navy (1862–1863), and the New Model Army & Navy (1863–1875). 36 caliber with a 7.375 inch barrel length. The Remington Navy revolver is slightly smaller framed than the Army and in. The Remington Army revolver is large-framed revolver in. Remington & Sons, Ilion, N.Y., based on the Fordyce Beals patent of Septem(Patent 21,478). The Remington is a single-action, six-shot, percussion revolver produced by E. Remington New Model Army Revolver, early model with mortised frontsight It saw use in the American West, both in its original percussion configuration and as a metallic cartridge conversion, as well as around the world. Beals revolvers at a cost to the Army of $15 each. Even with the reduced cost, the Army, by the end of March 1862, had taken delivery from the Remington factory of only 7,250.

Samuel Remington traveled to Washington in the fall of 1861, offering to sell his revolvers to the government at a cost of $15 each-or $10 less than what Colt was charging the Ordnance Department for its. Subsequently, large numbers of the Remington revolver were ordered by the U.S. Due to the fire, the Colt 1860 Army was not available for some time. The Remington revolver was a secondary, supplemental issue firearm for the Union Army until the Colt factory fire of 1864. REMINGTON & SONS, ILION, NEW YORK, U.S.A./NEW MODEL." although wide scale production did not start until 1861. They are commonly, though inaccurately, referred to as the Model 1858 due to the patent markings on its New Model barrels, "PATENTED SEPT. 44 (Army) caliber, used during the American Civil War, and was the beginning of a successful line of medium and large frame pistols. The Remington-Beals Model Revolvers along with subsequent models and variations were percussion revolvers manufactured by Eliphalet Remington & Sons in. Powder & ball or Paper cartridge with conical bullet Remington New Model Army Revolver made c.